Thursday, 31 December 2015

Analogi Mentari, Rembulan, dan Gerhana

"Languages are beautiful."

He said this to me one night, and I couldn't agree more. He's a very good friend mine. He is talented. He draws like a God. He writes poem like a God. And he has something in his head that is so powerful. His minds are beautiful, if I have to be honest (if you're reading this, I know you're flattered thanks to my words. You owe me martabak okay).

And this morning, he sent me this. His analogy poem. And it was just beautiful. His words were dancing with the flow. Everything was perfect. And I asked his permission to put it on my blog. He said it was okay, and as a credit title, he wanted to be known as Enola Reverof. That bitch. Mind his a.k.a name, it might take you forever to treasure it (but it only took me minutes to get it. I know I am that awesome).

So here it is. An analogy poem by Enola Reverof. It's written in Bahasa, and translating poems only makes them worst so I choose to let it still in Bahasa.

Here, feel the words dancing and leaving that "Enola-Reverof-you-bitch-why-you-so-good" mark both on your chest and head.


Analogi Mentari, Rembulan, dan Gerhana

Hei, sedang apa Nona Matahari?
Apa yang kaupikirkan?
Sorot matamu hangat. Kucoba tunjukkan pada dunia, mereka tidak mengerti
Karena ketidakmampuanku menyampaikan sinar kehidupanmu,
Aku hanya jadi segumpal cahaya dingin di gelap malam
Bagaimana aku bisa mendampingimu, menyentuhmu, berdiri sejajar denganmu?
Cinta ini tak pantas
Biarkan aku memandangimu dari jauh

Hei, sedang apa, Bulan?
Hari ini seperti biasa aku bersemangat
Apa yang kaupikirkan?
Aku selalu memperhatikanmu,
Kenapa kau selalu dingin?
Aku tak ingin melihatmu seperti itu,
Tapi aku tak cukup hangat untuk mencairkan perasaanmu, kurasa
Atau mungkin dunia berlari ke arahmu
Karena bosan dengan panasku?
Karenanya aku hanya jadi sesuatu yang tidak dinantikan
Bagaimana aku bisa mendampingimu, menyentuhmu, berdiri sejajar denganmu?
Cinta ini salah
Biarkan aku memandangimu dari jauh

Hei, hari ini seperti ada yang berbeda
Matahari seperti tersipu
Ada tamu?
Mungkin gumpalan awan yang mengurai cahayanya
Tetapi tak seperti biasanya, matahari tak sama ceria,
Tapi hangat meski berbeda

Rupanya Bulan
Ia bertamu ke Siang, singgasana Sang Mentari,
Untuk sekadar bertemu sesaat
Bak sepasang kekasih yang lama tak jumpa,
Mereka bertatap muka bertemu mata,
Kita di Bumi pun tak sanggup berbuat apa-apa

Siapa yang segan mencegah pertemuan takdir yang indah tak berperikan ini?
Bahkan beberapa di antara kita memperingatinya
Dengan beribadah menghadap kiblat,
Penuh harap akan hadirnya hari-hari berikutnya,
Di mana mereka suatu saat akan bertemu kembali,
Dan menyaksikan kisah cinta pedih
Yang menawan ini


Dan andai saja saat itu aku mengenakan kacamata hitam saat melihatmu singgah ke singgasana Sang Mentari...


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

(Dis)comforting Sound

I crave for someone's voice.

Someone's voice that calling my name whenever I lost in nowhere (or more often in my own thoughts). Someone's voice that singing me a song. Someone's voice that yelling at me because I've done something wrong.

I crave for someone's voice.

Ironically, I've been making 'another' voice in my head and pretending that that 'voice' is that someone's voice.

Ultra pathetic, I know. But then again, tell me something I don't know.

I crave for someone's voice, that is willing to prevent me from something wrong. That is willing to tell me that I am worth his everything. That is willing to say that everything's okay when everything's not okay.

I crave for someone's voice. But sadly, what comes after me is only this comforting sound you make.

This comforting sound which is half discomforting.

This comforting sound, which always hits me on the chest, in the stomach, inside my throat, and makes me realize that I will never have that someone's voice. That I will never listen my name is spoken using that someone's voice.

For the thousand times, again, I don't feel alright in spite all of these comforting sounds you make.*

Mew - Comforting Sound

(PS: This song is so good I probably will cry when I listen to this and is on my solitude (cie gitu) but seriously, so comforting, so relaxing, most of all, more pairs of ears need to listen to this song!)