Saturday, 25 July 2015

- (3)

Terus semuanya porak-poranda.

Nggak tau Dewa Zeus dan/atau Satrio Piningit-nya lagi di mana.

Tergantung siapa yang dateng duluan (ah tapi nggak tergantung juga sih. Saya maunya kamu yang dateng duluan), and just like what Ash Ketchum said, (maybe) I'd excitedly say; "I choose you,"

.... to help me fixing the mess. 

(and if the mess cannot be fixed at all, that's okay because I will still choose you anyway to be my partner-in-crime so we can enjoy this mess together)


Thursday, 23 July 2015

- (2)

.... And for you, I'll keep trying to write
as often as you wanted me to do.
And just like the other night
when everything I did was always about you.


Oh, I still do.


Wednesday, 22 July 2015

(No) Room in Frame

I play guitar.

Not quite well, but I do. (and I pretty suck, really)

And I know you do too.

At least, I hope you do.

So, you know, we can do these guitar-related things together. Cover songs, sing along, get our nails stuck on the strings, teach each others about how to strum well, to finger-style well,

And the universe knows you can teach me how to fall in love again.


(I'm hugging the guitar. Sure I wish that the guitar were you after all)
(Lol, pardon my fantasy)

Ps: When will both of us take selfie in one frame? Screw Death Cab for Cutie with their No Room in Frame.

I want us, in one frame, for this present time.

I need you to be real.

Please, be real.

Sunday, 19 July 2015


This is my very first writing in 100 words project. Not that good and the vocabularies are not grammatically well written, but I'll try harder again soon.

Hey I just think that this very first project is not that good because your disappearance for these last few days has been bugging my mind ever since so that I kind of, lack of motivation (????)

Wow look I am murmuring crap again. 


I wish you well and do stuffs good as usual.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

A Little Truth That Remains Unseen

Dear someone who encourages me to write more,
I know you are not the only one who seems to, but anyway, thank you.

Dear someone who encourages me to write more,
Sorry I'm using you as the idea behind this writing,
And sorry for not asking for your permission first. (you know I am a rebel one, don't you?)

Dear someone who encourages me to write more,
Let's write together someday. Let's see if we could have such soul-match in writing (lovey-dovey) stuffs.

Dear someone who encourages me to write more,
Write something, I'm givin' up on you.

Dear someone who encourages me to write more,
Here's the little truth:

I can't thank you enough.


Saturday, 4 July 2015

But Dear, It Doesn't Always Look Like It May Seem

Let's play assumption game.

Let's assume that this book, this page, is my heart.

Let's assume that you love me. (Assumption, okay? Because I know you won't, so shut up.)

"Gores dengan benda tajam."

Would you ever give it any scratch?

Would you ever let my heart's torn up? Would you ever let it bleed? Would you ever do the command?

The worst; would you ever notice?


This is one of the pages of the book titled "Wreck This Journal". It was a birthday present. A dear friend gave it to me last year. And I loved this part. I loved this page. I even scratched the page by myself. While I was scratching the page, you know what, I thought about my heart too as well. I wondered if my heart would ever end up like this page; scratched and tore up.

And I just found the answer within these last 3 days; it would.


Spoiler: my heart is being scratched too. Somebody has scratched it.

Guess who;

it's probably you.


Surprise much? Relax, calm your tits. It's period.


PS: Looks like my masochist side is showing up again. Because I love the way you scratch my heart like nobody does. I love the way you scratch my heart by the way you notice, and by the way you pay me such little attention.

Thank you, and fuck you.
